The Virginia Line of Duty Act (LODA), established in Title 9.1 of the Code of Virginia and enacted in 1972, provides benefits to eligible family members of eligible employees and volunteers killed in the line of duty and to those eligible employees and volunteers disabled in the line of duty and their eligible family members.
Funding of LODA benefits is provided by employers in one of two ways:
Participation in the Line of Duty Death and Health Benefits Trust Fund (LODA Fund), administered by the Virginia Retirement System (VRS).
Self-funding by the employer or through an insurance company.

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If you have questions then we have answers! Here is an overview of everything we know - and everything you need to know - about the CoVID -19 pandemic.

The goal of the initial on-line OSHA training is to reduce the occupational transmission of infections caused by microorganisms sometimes found in human blood and certain other potentially infectious materials.
New members should complete the initial on-line OSHA Training. Members who are returning from leave and/or members who did not complete the annual OSHA refresher should also complete the initial on-line OSHA Training.
All members, even members who recently completed initial OSHA training, must complete annual OSHA refresher training each October.

This information is designed to provide all new members with the mandatory Hep B form and instructions on how to complete the form. Included are all recommended vaccines as well.
- The completed forms are required before an ID can be issued.
- This is NOT the OSHA course (initial or refresher). OSHA is a separate course.