Virginia Beach EMS has discontinued the Ascencia Contour glucometer in favor of the Assure Prism Multi model. For field use, they operate almost identically, but we still need to provide training to the workforce to make sure they know not to mismatch the test strips and the glucometers.

An overview of Virginia EMS regulations highlighting the importance of patient care reporting and an introduction to our new ePCR platform, Elite. Students will learn about Virginia Beach EMS reporting requirements, hardware used to capture ePCR, and how to use Elite. Then, each student can complete 3 types of reports to familiarize themselves with Elite with hands-on exercises.

An essential part of operating as a cohesive team is the ability to utilize the communication tools at our disposal. Radios, Computers, and other tools exist that allow us to function in an efficient and coordinated manor. This course should allow the student become familiar with, and and effectively use the equipment and procedures adopted by Virginia Beach EMS

The New Word Scenario is placing increased demand for accurate temperature assessment for our patients. We will be utilizing the SureTemp Plus 690 Electronic Thermometer. The SureTemp 690 Thermometer is fast—capturing approximately 4- to 6-second oral, or 10- to 13-second pediatric axillary and 12- to 15-second adult axillary temperatures. Featuring the technology that sets the standard for accuracy, you can have confidence the SureTemp 690 will deliver accurate, repeatable readings on patients of all age groups.

This course is Phase I of the Virginia Beach EMS Emergency Vehicle Operator's Course (EVOC).
VBEMS Members must be a Virginia Certified EMT or above to take our EVOC program.
EVOC students will need to complete this online phase I course prior to completing the EVOC Practical day, which must be registered for and includes Phase II Day Driving (classroom/dynamic cone/flag course & introduction to community commentary driving) & Phase III Night Driving: (driving skills assessment and evening/night community driving).
Once a student has successfully completed all 3 Phases of the course, they will be provided our VBEMS EVOC certificate. Category 2 CEU's are available upon successful completion of the course.